Wednesday, April 5, 2017

I'm Right - You're Wrong

I was having a conversation with a friend last night that went something like this:

Me: I finally figured out my next post topic! I'm going to write about needing to always be right.
Friend: Hey, that's the topic I came up with.
Me: Well, technically, I already had that topic on my list of possibilities before you mentioned it.
Friend: But I gave you the push to actually write about it...

Now granted, this was just a light-hearted conversation, but it does speak to the topic. As humans, we have a tendency to always need to be right. What starts as a simple conversation can often turn into an argument simply because neither party wants to admit they may be wrong. No one wants to try to see the other side.

I am right, and that's it.

I know this is a big stumbling block for me. I've even been known to be in the middle of an argument, suddenly realize I am dead wrong, but continue fighting (and fighting harder) just because I don't want to admit I'm wrong.

The ability to stop and say "You're right. I'm wrong." is a difficult one. But is a very important one. When neither person is able to stop and say this, it causes added tension and pain, anger and hurt feelings. We may say things we don't mean, attacking the other person just for refusing to see our side of things. We may end up ripping apart a God-given relationship just because we are too proud to admit we just might not be right.

Today's Lenten sacrifice:

Let go of pride. 

We are warned throughout scripture to not be proud. This isn't easy - especially when it comes to another person trying to tell us that we are wrong. But it doesn't matter if we are right or wrong. What does matter is doing what is necessary to strengthen and keep the relationships God has blessed us with. What does matter is always being able to show the love of God to one another.

This cannot be done if we're too busy fighting and causing added tension, all because of being too proud to accept that we may not be right. All because of being too proud to look another person in the eyes and say "You're right. I was wrong. I am sorry."

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