Saturday, October 26, 2013

Not Allowed

The first time I saw an image similar to the one above, it was being shared by nearly everyone on Facebook after yet another school shooting. And, I shared it as well. How dare we keep God out of our schools?

But now... the more I see this image, the more annoyed I get. 

When I was in school, we didn't have the school shootings and other violence we have now. Yes, there was a fight or two. There may have even been once incident that involved a knife. There was drugs and alcohol, and smoking - none allowed on school property, of course, but kids always find a way to sneak around the rules.

And when it came to God/Christianity in the school?

We said the Pledge of Allegiance.
We were allowed to pray on our own.
We were allowed to bring/read our Bibles.
We studied certain religious events/people during History class.
We read certain books which had religious events/people during Literature class.

Today, we are constantly hearing of another school shooting. There are guns and knives in the schools. There are drugs and alcohol and smoking. Kids are always finding a way to sneak around the rules.

And when it comes to God/Christianity in the school?

Our children do not say the Pledge of Allegiance.
They are allowed to pray on our own.
They are allowed to bring/read our Bibles.
They study certain religious events/people during History class.
They read certain books which have religious events/people during Literature class.

Our Kids Murder Because God Isn't Allowed In School

Seriously? We're going to blame the public school system for why are children are killing each other? We're going to blame the fact that our children are no longer allowed to say the Pledge of Allegiance? Have we all really fallen so far from God, and so far from the ability to take responsibility, that we're going to blame the schools for our lack of ability/desire to teach our own children?

The school is not and never has been responsible for teaching my children religion, faith, responsibility, values or morals.

That is MY responsibility. As a parent, it is my job to take my children to church. It is my responsibility to ensure they know that murder is wrong, and guns are dangerous. It is my responsibility to teach them right from wrong.

When I fail at this, is it my right to point a finger at everyone but myself?

Stop blaming the school. Or rather, stop blaming the fact that God isn't allowed in the school. God is allowed in the school... the school is only restricted from teaching or promoting God. They can't restrict what your child believes.


  1. Hi Brandi. It is indeed a sad & dangerous time for our children. Those in power, I believe, profess themselves to be wise, only to become fools. We must continue to pray for those in leadership and those that are affected by the lack of it.

    1. Thank you for your comment. I agree that it's a sad and dangerous time - but mainly because we all are so quick to pass the responsibility and blame to others. We expect the public schools to teach our children morals when in fact, we should have already taught them these. And then we get angry at the school system for not allowing God in - that because God isn't allowed in, our children have no morals.

      I personally believe that it is the PARENTS we need to be praying for - that we can learn to be the leaders we are supposed to be, and that we can learn to accept responsibility for teaching our children, rather than wanting/expecting others to do so.

  2. Awesome Insight - Its just a shame what has happen to public education - we have to ask what is wrong with the public. Here in Indonesia are girl goes to a private Christian school but they do teach religion, faith, responsibilities and values. Its so awesome to see her come home and see such a change in her new walk with Christ.

    1. Thanks Dennis. I do want to say - I don't think anything has happened to public education. At least, nothing that wasn't there already when I was a high school student. What has happened is that parents are more and more refusing to actually raise their children. They want everyone else to raise them, and then pass the blame on to those people when their children don't turn out "good".

      Private Christian schools are always allowed to teach religion and faith. But most Americans can't afford private school. But again, I am not blaming the school system. While yes, there are issues within the system... there are problems in ANY system... it is still ultimately the responsibility of the parents to teach religion, faith, responsibility, and values.

  3. Big Amen here sister, as a brit my view is obviously slightly tainted from my own cultural background and what I've seen of America from a far as well as what i've seen in Spain.

    We have students in our school who are taught all about Catholicism and the offical religion. They hear all about the saints and regularly say prayers at school. Out of all the teenage students we teach I don't know a single one who actually believes in the Catholic faith and they even make comments that no one teaching them in religious education classes believes in what they are teaching.
    I wonder if certain groups really want this to happen in the UK and America, forcing people who don't believe what they are saying to tell teenagers who don't believe what they are hearing to just recite facts they hear and don't believe.

    (Also I hate the statement because it kind of suggests god isn't omnipresent or all powerful)

    1. I think the most any of us can do is teach about God and faith, morals and values, responsibility and religions.... and then just pray that our children embrace these things. "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink." Same things with kids. Ultimately, it's their choice.

      Your last statement - I agree completely. I actually had that written in my post originally, but removed it because I wanted to focus on how we lay blame everywhere but at ourselves. But you are right - if God isn't allowed in schools, God has limits. Which, we know is not the case.

  4. Strong post Brandi lack of organized school prayer clearly is not the problem. We live in a fallen world and we Americans have forgotten to take the responsibility to raise and educate our own Children. Faith should be a life of action and we must not try and give that responsibility to someone else.

  5. I don't even recall a time when there was organized school prayer in public schools. Of course... I'm not really all that old (unless you ask my children).

    "Faith should be a life of action" - how many of us actually follow this? And, just as importantly, how many of us teach our children this?


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